Member Publications
Member Publications
Keith Suter

Well known for his ‘Global Notebook’ segment on the popular national breakfast TV show Sunrise. Dr Suter makes sense of even the most complex issues, to give you a better understanding of what’s going on in the world and Australia’s place in it. Books published by Dr Suter include: “A New International Order: Proposals for Making a Better World” (WAWF Australia, North Ryde, 1981) “Reshaping the Global Agenda: the UN at 40” (UNAA, Sydney, 1986) “50 Things You Want to Know About World Issues … but were too afraid to ask” (2005) $29.45 including postage, from Wesley Bookshop, PO Box 5555, Sydney South 1235
Chris Hamer
As founder of the WCAA Chris has published a book and several articles on a world parliament and related issues:
‘A Global Parliament: Principles of World Federation’, Christopher Hamer, (Oyster Bay Books, 1998), reprinted on (2010).
‘The Case for a South Pacific Union’, Chris Hamer, ‘The Federalist Debate’, Year XX, #1, 30 (2007).
‘Reinforcing the NPT’, Australian Journal of International Affairs 65:5, 578-589 (2011).

Review: ‘Britain, Australia and the Bomb – The Nuclear Tests and their Aftermath’, by Lorna Arnold and Mark Smith, Journal of Contemporary History, issue 44(3), 572-3 (2009).
‘Transforming NATO and the OECD into a World Community of Democracies’, Freedom & Union, Series II, Vol. 1, no. 1, p. 9 (2011).
‘How Do We Get There from Here?’, DWF Newsletter, Toward Democratic World Federation, Vol. 20, no. ¾, p. 4.
‘Pacific Islands Forum’, chapter in ‘The Democratization of International Institutions’, ed. Lucio Levi, Giovanni Finizio and Nicola Vallinoto (Routledge, 2014)
‘A Strategy for World Federation’, Chris Hamer, ‘The Federalist Debate’, Year XXVII, #2, 14 (2014)
Michelle Cavanagh
Michelle has written the story of a truly remarkable Australian, Margaret Holmes. Margaret was a champion of peace during the Vietnam years, and founded the NSW branch of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). She was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 2001. Margaret Holmes: The Life and Times of an Australian Peace Campaigner. Published by New Holland. RRP $29.95

Lyndon Storey

Humanity or Sovereignty. By Lyndon Storey. Published by Peter Lang. RRP $32.95 Website: Despite the talk of globalisation, current political discourse remains firmly anchored in the “age of nationalism” with concepts such as the national interest, national security, and gross national product (GNP) still defining the political agenda. This thought-provoking book challenges the hegemony of political nationalism, arguing that it is a false ideology that blinds us to the need for political reform. This book proposes a new paradigm of “human political justice” to replace te current “justice in one country” approach. It forcefully reminds us that our human identity is more important than our national or religious identity and opens the campaign for a new “Human Union” to progressively replace the nation-state as the primary focus of political activity.
Andrew Greig
Taming War: Culture and Technology for Peace By Andrew Greig. Published by Text Publishing. Website http://www.tamingwar.comTechnology Andrew Greig has written a book entitled ‘Taming War: Culture and Technology for Peace’. It looks at the causes of war, and asks, why do we still allow ourselves to be led into the misery of war by psychopaths and second-rate politicians? He suggests ways in which all of us can play a part in taming war. Andrew has had an amazingly varied career, from deckhand to public relations officer, and has had first-hand experience of conflict as a member of CARE Australia in Zaire and Rwanda during the Rwandan refugee crisis. Find out more about his book at, or email
James Page

Jim is our branch president for Queensland, and a philosopher and academic at QUT with a PhD in peace education. ‘Peace Education’ is Jim’s addition to our growing list of our members who are also authors Peace Education -Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations (Southern Cross University, Australia 2008) – ” … an important addition to the emerging literature on peace education and the culture of peace” (From the Foreword by Koichiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO).