WCAA is working towards the establishment of a democratic global parliament as the basis for an effective system of international law, while respecting the right of each nation to manage its own internal affairs within this framework.
Some of the possible paths to a global democratic parliament are illustrated on the website of the Democratic World Federalists in California. They include:

Reform of the United Nations: Through constitutional reform the United Nations could transform itself into a genuine democratic world federation of nations. A first step could be the establishment of the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly
Uniting the Democracies: Emphasizing the principle of democracy rather than universality, the democratic nations could form a World Security Community of democratic nations as a first step towards a democratic world federation.
Integrate the Regions:
Either the European Union could gradually expand to include countries coutside Europe, or different regional unions could themselves unite to form a federation.
Create a World Constitution:
Hold a world constitution convention to draw up a Constitution for a world federation. See for Instance the World Constitution and Parliament Association.