Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly

We invited Andreas Bummel, the global coordinator of the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, to visit Australia in the period 2-12 September 2019. Our aim was to raise public awareness of the Campaign, generate public support, and ultimately to secure the Australian government’s agreement to become a supporter of the Campaign.
During his visit, we organized a Symposium at the Australian National University on the theme "Towards a More Democratic United Nations" and a Seminar at the University of Sydney on the broader theme “Strengthening Democratic Global Governance: Towards a World Parliament”. (The Canberra component of Andreas’ visit was organized due to the amazing and tireless efforts of Pera Wells, for which much thanks!)
Bob Brown, Andreas Bummel and Chris Hamer at Parliament House
We also held a Roundtable of likely supporters of the Campaign in Sydney, organized by Zeny Edwards, to draw up plans for follow-up action to further the Campaign in Australia.
Since then, we have made a submission to the Inquiry of the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs regarding Nationhood, national identity and democracy, advocating Australian government support for the campaign. Read the submission here
Andreas Bummel continues his vigorous campaign for this objective as Executive Director of
Democracy Without Borders.
Some good information and papers can be found on the World Federalist Movement website.
You can show your support by signing an appeal on the UNPA website, click here to sign up. Click HERE to learn more.

We are supporting the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, as a possible first step towards a true democratic global parliament. We have mailed out a letter and pamphlet to all Federal parliamentarians, asking for their support. Bob Brown, when he was leader of the Australian Greens Party, twice stood to advocate a UNPA in the Senate, and Peter Whish-Wilson repeated the call in 2019, but the major parties have so far refused to even listen or debate the issue.

The Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly supports the Global Week of Action for a World Parliament that is celebrated annually in October.