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Junior World Citizens Program 













Director: John Hegarty

This educational program is one focus of our sister organization, the Institute for Global Peace and Sustainable Governance. More information can be found at their website here.

As has been reported in recent meetings, the key aim of the Junior World Citizens Project has been taken over by every teacher in Australia because of the Curriculum Document published in 2008. Copies are available at


Some teachers are not yet fully aware as there are so many curriculum documents. Some schools including Fort Street High School have elevated the principle to their key aim and I quote from their website. Their FORTIAN CODE page starts with this paragraph:

* Students at Fort Street are encouraged to become effective global citizens and leaders of the rapidly changing 21st century. As well as developing their own gifts, Fortians are expected to recognise their responsibility to the wider community, and commit to a strong sense of social justice, fairness and equity. They are encouraged to build emotional resilience, self-reliance and leadership potential.*

As usual I will attend their coming SPEECH DAY on Friday 22 February 2019 in the Sydney Town Hall of that famous school and for the first time there 
will be at least two prizes for GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP, One has been inaugurated by WCAA and my brother and I funded a second. Subject to further agreement I will seek funding from other bodies so that there is a prize for GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP at each year level. I will work toward each school in Australia giving recognition in various ways to those students who show special promise in that area.


A key role of the JWC PROJECT is now to encourage schools to implement that key document using the extensive available resources. I intend visiting schools when opportunities arise to encourage teachers and school communities to implement the ideas put forward. I hasten to add that, because of my long-term and moderately successful career as teacher, Principal and School Psychologist/Counsellor, I believe some success will be achieved.

Now that the WCAA membership document includes  Junior (School Age) category, my role includes cooperating with WCAA in the follow-up of those who join in that category. That has been achieved in part by the webpage and I expect as cooperation develops that that page will close down once basic follow up is being achieved through the WCAA website i.e. recognition of membership and regular communication.
















John Hegarty with halo


The informal support group for WCAA  based at Henry Kendal Gardens has agreed to look into the development of a separate supportive Incorporated body entitled something like Fun&Goodwill4PEACE Inc. This name and suitable website names are available and expect to be tied up this year.

My life experience has always sought to simplify matters and fortunately I have experienced small but significant successes.  Having been inspired by numerous life experiences I expect that within the next twelve months a GLOBAL GATHERING regular meeting will be an activity of the support group at HKG.


I am cooperating in small ways with the project to finalise the launch into mainstream theatres of MY COUNTRY IS THE WORLD which will be a great factor in developing further support for WCAA and associated groups.

I am eternally thankful for the opportunity to be kept in the loop of WCAA. It has brought endless opportunities and excitement and brought an
additional sense of meaning to my life. The financial support approved at an earlier meeting is a significant factor in my ability to proceed. It is
not only possible but expected that efforts like we are involved with can gain outside support as it is what everyone wants but sadly so many do not
consider possible. I certainly am confident that continuous small improvements will continue to be made towards a more peaceful world.



Advertising is a key factor in any endeavour in this modern world. I have included a couple of photos of our car with the 4PEACE custom numberplate and associated magnetic signs which attract further attention and publicise Peace and goodwill is a basic aim of all ways of life and dressing as an angel added fun and impact to the recent Christmas Gosford Parade in front of thousands.I suggest investigating further professional website assistance to maximise the support of ?our? quite extraordinarily successful small group.

John Hegarty

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